So this is a rather informal blog, at least in contrast to the last 'write up' style blog, this one is just going to go over the stuff I've been doing during my holidays.
For about a fortnight, I worked on my GUI library, it's really taking shape! I have events implemented in a way that I'm really happy about (the interface between user and GUI is clean and easy to program), I've also implemented visibility and the ability to associate other controls with forms (the controls can even be forms! so you can embed them inside other forms!)
One major challenge I'm facing is how I'm going to implement text, for labels and captions etc, I can either use the SDL_TTF library or create my own bitmap fonts, neither option seems that great, but I'm not sure what other options I have, we'll see...
The second project I started on was working on the website, at the beginning of the week designing assets for the website (logo, navbar image etc) seemed like an impossible task, however, when I started to use the image editing software (I use GIMP), things got easier, and dare I say it, fun!
I've already made the logo and navbar and I'm going to keep tweaking them as I go along, I'm going to spend the entire week working on the website, then I'll flip back to the programming, A productive holiday indeed!.
As for just general life stuff, I'm ok, I keep waking up way too late, not getting to sleep till 2/3 in the morning, but apart from that it's all good, I'm kinda cool with just getting on with my stuff without interruption, It's kinda funny, I'm not even ashamed that I'm isolated, I kinda like it, taking a break from my social life seems like such a natural thing, and will make going back to uni all the more rewarding when it happens.
I hope you enjoyed my blog :-)