I know it's been way too long, a week too long to be precise, but I have some updates in any case.
I've been working hard this weekend on my game engine, it doesn't have a quirky codename or anything yet, but I guess you have to prioritise!
The past few weekends I've been laying down the foundations for the engine, I implemented a pretty solid state transition system 2 weeks ago, and also a static factory class that builds any state you like, the whole idea was to take the thought out of making states (levels, menu screens etc) and letting the programmer (i.e. just me for now) get on with making the games (which I'm about to come to)
This weekend I have managed to wrap the Sprite and Window classes of SFML to make them fit comfortably in my engine design, with these classes in place, I was able advance to the next stage, actually making a test game!
So, what game did I make do you ask? nothing special here, as a brief dance with nostalgia, I decided to code up (in about an hour), a tile matching game... A bit like the one I made all those years back (Dig into the YouTube archives and here you will find at the end of the video, a demo of match up version 1, it hasn't moved on all that much, but the difference is that I could make this one a lot better)
So that pretty much sums up my weekends work, I have plenty of footage recorded from a couple of weeks back, and plenty of whiteboard shots of this weekends work, I can't wait to find the time to site down, edit and post what I've been doing the last few weeks, it's been really fun and I'm hoping to do a lot more in the future.
Thank you for reading