Thursday, May 13, 2010

Major Progress I just had to blog about!

Recently I've been building up my efforts to get something into the public domain, namely the GUI library I announced a couple of months back (more than a couple possibly), admittedly, progress was slow, I have been very busy with university work and obsessing over my social life a little too much, as us students do, my bad!

But I'm not longer obsessing (and I'm saving a lot of cash, going out places is expensive you know), and my university work is finished and handed in, however I still have my exams to do (but I see the GUI library as a form of revision for my systems design exam, they both use UML!)

The point I am trying to get at is that things are moving along, I decided to scale back my ambitious plans a little, and work one something which is more feasible, still a GUI library, but instead of agonising over the mother of all OO designs that is modelled on concepts which haven't been implemented or even designed yet! , I decided to focus on the components that make up the GUI.

I intend to take an iterative approach to this project, that is, I will release fairly a rudimentary library to test a few simple components of the GUI, and see what's good and bad about them, a bit of peer review will hopefully make my project that little bit better.

After each iteration I will take stock of what has been achieved, and how I may want to progress, based on what I have, what people feed back to me, and what is feasible. I am very excited about this approach, I've never really done things like this before.

I am honestly more motivated than ever, and I'm raring to go, come the 21st may, I'm going into overdrive, my summer holiday begins and I can get mashing away at the keyboard (more so than I did writing this blog!)

More updates soon, and hopefully video, I have recorded some, it's just turning it into something meaningful and entertaining that's the problem!
