Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's time to get serious 3rd Jul 2011

Today I've decided to start to formalise my development process by documenting what I'm doing [relating to game development or my other projects] on any given day, therefore I'm going to be posting a lot of blogs from now on. the posts will mainly be check lists of tasks I hope to achieve on that given day, or at least partially work on, I've decided to get serious because I want to set something up with some longevity and make some great titles for the platforms I'm choosing to develop for.

Here is my first list (drafted at 1:30am last night :P)

- Need name for Game Studio (Therefore will consider some options today)
- Need to decide flagship/target platforms (can't program anything till I know what I'm programming for)
-Need to do some R&D, into 3D Graphics, 3D Math, User Interface design and Web Design
- Decide genre/general game mechanics/concept of debut game
- Finish Portfolio Page
- Begin designing pages relating to my game projects
- Look back a past uni work relating to business/ project management.

I'm hoping if I keep this up, I can measure my goals and hopefully come out with something worth playing, thanks for reading.



What I got done

-- came up with a few names for the company
-- came up with a draft strategy for how I'm going to roll out various games out on different platforms (therefore I decided my flagship platforms)

-- looked at some OpenGL/GLUT tutorials, once I get my windows 7 machine up and running, I'll start practicing, but read a few guides today and archived them.

So I have a few more things to do, but hope to finish them on the nights after work.

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