Saturday, July 30, 2011

Partially Belated Weekly Update #4 30/7/11

Hi all

I've got lots to report this weekend, it's been a bit of a turning point if I'm being honest.

So I've started working on a game, a modest one ,but I'm building a solid engine which I can use to make larger projects, I've written no code yet, but I've got a solid design down for the event and state transition system, and I've recorded a lot of footage I need to edit and upload to YouTube.

So what have I been doing ?

- recorded a video introducing concept and game mechanics
- designed class diagrams demonstrating design of event and state system
- recorded video demonstrating process of invoking and making use of engine, including using a
sequence diagram to demonstrate and add a dimension to the concepts
- did a screen recording demonstrating the Event/State system design through UML

Overall, today has been very productive, and I hope to solidify what has happened today by waking up early, refining the design and building a test harness and writing some code to get the ball rolling.

Closing thoughts:
- still need to edit the video and make it palatable for a YouTube audience (not too long, gets to the point better)
- Today has been an exciting experience and I hope to emulate the success of today



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